Bicycle Trailers & Child Seats
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Curated Experts Can Help You Find the Best Outdoor Gear for You and Your Family
While caring for a newborn can keep you indoors more than you’d like, there’s no reason you can’t get outside more often with baby products that are designed to protect them year-round. Fresh air is a good thing, and here at Curated, we’re all about promoting safe outdoor recreation with children!
Our Baby & Toddler Experts are here to help you find the outdoor gear you’re looking for, whether it be wagons, trikes, bicycle trailers or seats, backpack carriers, and more. They can also assist with building a personalized registry with all of the above!
While bassinet strollers and baby carriers are the best option for babies younger than six months of age (who can’t sit up unattended), the following items are ideal for older babies and toddlers.
Stroller Wagons and Trikes
There are times when a standard stroller just won’t cut it, especially when you have multiple kids, coolers, bags, tents, toys and more that you want to drag to the beach or an outdoor festival. We have stroller wagons with extra-large wheels designed to handle all types of terrain and tons of cargo so that you can get everyone and everything to your destination without any hiccups!
For a fun spin on the traditional stroller, a stroller trike that looks and functions like a three-wheeled bike—except that you can push and steer it from behind—gives your child a chance to feel in control and learn the mechanics of steering and pedaling. Grow-along trikes transition from infant to classic trikes for various development stages, making them a stroller/bike your child will enjoy for years!
Bicycle Trailers and Child Seats
For cyclists who want to bring their little ones along for the ride, we offer the best bicycle trailers and child seats from industry-leading brands. We know there’s no cargo more precious than kids, which is why we prioritize safety and quality in our bicycle products. Depending on your child’s age and your riding style, our Baby & Toddler Experts can help you determine the best setup for your bike, with a front- or back-seat mount or pull-along trailer. And if you have multiple kids, we have trailers that can fit them, too!
Backpack Carriers
Want to hike with your little one? Invest in a backpack child carrier—a pack with a rigid frame that can carry kids up to around 48lb, depending on the model. These carriers are like regular hiking or backpacking packs, with places to hold snacks, water, extra layers, and your child, and can include features like a sun canopy for protecting your kid and an adjustable child seat for more room as they grow.
Talk With an Expert
Sharing a love of the outdoors is one of the greatest gifts you can give your child. Whether you live in the city or the suburbs, Curated has outdoor products to match your lifestyle and interests at various price points. Our team of Baby & Toddler Experts knows outdoor gear just as well as they know kids, and they’re ready to help you find the very best products for your family! They can also help you create a registry with outdoor gear that others can splurge on for you!