Camping & Hiking Socks
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All Your Camping & Hiking Needs Can Be Found at Curated
If you are searching for new camping and hiking gear, you may have noticed that there are A LOT of options out there! Whether you are completely new to camping and hiking, rekindling an old relationship with it, or a seasoned veteran, it is challenging to know what product is right for you. Enter Curated. With access to almost any outdoor gear that exists, you will undoubtedly find what you’re looking for—from an ultralight two-person backpacking tent with excellent ventilation to a down-filled, spoon-shaped sleeping bag that will keep you comfortable in any temperature to an epic camp kitchen set-up that lets you eat like a king at your campsite!
Here on Curated, you’ll get matched with a Camping & Hiking Expert who will ask you a few questions about your goals and what you’re looking for. They will then narrow down the options for you and give you free, personalized advice and recommendations on the perfect gear for you. Since Curated price matches most U.S. online stores, your expert will get you set up with the best gear tailored to your specific needs, at the best price!
Your tent is your home away from home, and just like when you are buying a house, there is a long list of things to consider when purchasing a tent! Interior size, peak height, weight, weather resistance, packed size, and of course, price, are just a few of the factors that will make a tent the perfect match for you. Maybe you are searching for an untraditional tent, such as a tree tent or a rooftop car tent, or maybe you just need tent accessories, such as extra-long stakes or a footprint. Whatever it is, Curated has you covered!
A good night’s sleep is important while you are camping, and your Curated Expert will help make sure you get those quality Z’s! With access to sleeping bags with various fill types, shapes, temperature ratings, and packed sizes; sleeping pads of various thicknesses, R-Values, and weights; and a slew of accessories including sleeping bag liners, packable pillows, and hammocks, you will never have a better night’s sleep than with your new gear under the stars!
Whether you are planning a long, multi-night backpacking trip or are going for shorter day hikes close to home, having the correctly sized backpack will make or break your experience! Not only do you want the correct size and volume, but also the specific features come into play as well. Are you hiking in Florida in July? You need a backpack that has breathability to minimize that back sweat! Are you planning a trip to Iceland in the fall? A backpack with an included rain cover will keep your gear dry. Don’t just choose blindly, let a Curated Expert help you find a pack that meets all of your needs (and wants)!
Camp Kitchen
Did you know that a delicious, gourmet meal at your campsite is not only possible, but easy? Whether you are deep in the backcountry or at a developed campsite, all you need is the right cooking equipment, and you can be eating better than you do at home! Camp stoves of all weights and sizes, packable utensils and cookware, and large and small, hard-shell and soft-shell coolers are just a few of the items in Curated’s camp kitchen inventory. And don’t forget accessories, such as a portable french press and extendable roasting sticks! Plus, you can even ask your expert for their favorite recipes!
Accessories and Electronics
In addition to the essential camping gear listed above, Curated has access to tons of helpful accessories! Find the ever-important emergency gear items to put together your own first aid kit. Check out the GPS and navigation systems or even buy a sleeping bag for your pup! Your expert can hook you up with everything you need to make your camping and hiking experience your own.
Apparel and Footwear
Nothing ruins a hike or backpacking trip like blisters and sore feet. Getting properly fitting hiking boots that have features such as waterproofing, breathability, a durable outsole, and a cushioned footbed will keep you going for miles and miles. And as always, your Curated Expert will tailor your selection to you. Do you have a previous ankle injury? A high-top boot will be a better option for you. On a tight budget? Your Curated Expert will find you a great pair of boots at a price you are comfortable with. Your expert will not only filter through the hiking boot options to find the perfect pair for you, but they will recommend any apparel that you need. Heading to the Pacific Northwest for a hunting trip? Rain gear! Heading to the desert for a National Parks tour? A quick-drying top with UV protection would be perfect for you! From underwear and socks to down jackets, Curated has everything you need to stay comfortable, dry, and ready for your next adventure!
Buy Your Camping and Hiking Gear at Curated
Whatever camping and hiking gear it is that you are looking for, the bottom line is what was perfect for your friend may not be the best option for you. And with so many options out there, shopping for gear can be overwhelming! Curated makes the process easy and comfortable. By taking the time to get to know you and learn what your camping and hiking goals are, your Curated Expert will send you tailor-made recommendations, give you advice on how to use the gear, and provide some tips and tricks to make your next outdoor adventure the best one yet!s