David Boyer
I've been interested in coffee since I was kid - seriously. Coffee smelled great when the adults would drink it but no one would share with me. Instead I started sneaking it when I was 8 years old. By age 10 I could brew drip coffee using my dad's ceramic pour over and I was drinking black coffee nearly every day. In middle school the Secretary to the Vice Principal allowed me to refill my plastic travel mug from her pot as often as I liked. For better or worse I was a caffeinated kid and that love of coffee continues through my adulthood.
When I poured my first latte as a professional barista I fell in love with coffee all over again. My first year on bar I would regularly dream about latte-art, I was obsessed. Since then my coffee career has only grown. I now manage a string of local cafes where I purchase and maintain all of our coffee equipment and train our barista staff to be experts on coffee and coffee making.
I love instructing on coffee. I've guided many folks from their first espresso shot to their masterpiece of latte art and I am eager to help you no matter where you are in the process.