Expert Review: 2024 Jones Airheart 2.0 [with Video]

Published on 07/19/2023 · 5 min readSnowboard Expert Arielle Busch tested the 2024 Jones Airheart 2.0 snowboard on carving, freestyle, and freeride at Powder Mountain in Utah.
Arielle Busch, Snowboarding Expert
By Snowboarding Expert Arielle Busch

Curated Snowboard Expert Arielle Busch got her hands on the Jones Airheart 2.0 this spring and put it to the test at Powder Mountain in Utah. Check out how it performed in the carving, freestyle, and freeride categories, but consider the fact that each and every rider is different; if you have any questions about the 2023 Jones Airheart 2.0 or need recommendations on which board would be best for you, reach out to a Snowboard Expert here on Curated.

Before we get started, it's worth noting that Curated Experts are not sponsored by any brands. All of these reviews are completely unbiased.

Brand Claims

What does Jones claim about this board? Jones claims that the AirHeart is the razor sharp resort ripper ideal for high-performance, all-mountain charging and carving. Overall Impressions

What is your overall impression of this board? My overall impression is that I 100% agree with how Jones advertises this board. This is a board that is meant for advanced riders who want a stiffer board, because they feel like a softer flexing board keeps them a little bit out of control, and a stiffer board keeps them a little bit more in control. This is meant to charge down steep technical terrain.


How does it turn? Like Jones says, it's going to feel razor sharp, almost like a scissor just cutting through paper. It slices through a carve like no other board that I've been on, but that being said, it wants to make big sweeping carves, very much in freeride terrain.

Is it stable? The AirHeart 2.0 is a brand new board to the Jones women's line. It's the updated, redesigned version of the AirHeart, and it is a full-cambered profile board, which is going to give you that stability, that pop and that control.

What about dampness? Any chatter in the board? It was super damp. Even though it is stiff and very responsive. For the right size rider, I think this board would be great, but this is an advanced board.


Could you speak about playfulness and pop? This board does have some camber in the profile, so it is going to pop. It's called the AirHeart for a reason. It does want to hang out in the air. However, with me being the rider that rode it today, I definitely got it up in the air, but because it felt heavy for me, I didn't necessarily feel the most comfortable in the air because it just kind of felt like it was pulling me back down to the ground.

How is it for buttering? For my more freestyle-rider gals, It's not that you can't do some of your freestyle moves on this, but you're going to be on a very stiff board. It does still have a little bit of that playful feeling in the flex, even though it is stiffer. I was able to press it a little bit. I was able to kind of pop up and tail tap a little bit, but pressing was not necessarily the easiest. Buttering was not necessarily the easiest. But that's also not the stuff that you're going to be doing on this board when you are in that side country, backcountry, more open space-type runs.


How would it be in powder? It's going to float in powder. It's got this spoon-shaped nose, like we see in a lot of Jones boards. So it is really going to float on that powder. It does have a blunted nose and tail, which is meant to reduce a little bit of swing weight.

What kind of terrain would it perform well on? I would say the best terrain for this kind of board is going to be a little bit more of that freeriding terrain; steep shoots, deep shoots. It's going to float in powder. It's going to rail in a carve. And just like Jones says, it's going to feel like razor sharp, almost like a scissor just cutting through paper. You're going to want to take this into a bowl. You're going to want to take this into a wide open groomer. Most likely you're going to want to ride this in a lot of terrain that's out west versus the east coast. But when I did take it into some tighter trees, I was able to maneuver it, but I don't necessarily think that that's what this board was meant to do.

I am a pretty advanced technical snowboarder. So when I put a snowboard under my feet, I can manipulate it the way that I wanted to manipulate it. But I got to say that I don't think that that's where this board thrives. Like I mentioned, it doesn't mean it cannot go into trees. You're not going to run right into a tree if you know how to snowboard. It's more just that this one more excels in that wide open area where you can just arc those carves, get into them deep, and charge hard on some steeper terrain on the mountain.

I also think it's a great backcountry board. It's not a split, but you can definitely ride side country, backcountry on this thing, strap it to your back, and like I said, get into those big open spaces where you might get some powder This thing just cuts through the chunder, cuts through that corduroy. And like I said, it's just razor sharp, cutting right through that terrain.


Who would you recommend this board to? For those advanced riders, who want a stiff board, wants to charge hard, wants to rip through some carves, get through those groomers, be in that nice big open terrain, this is definitely going to be perfect for you.

Who should avoid this board, there are better options for them out there? This is not meant for a beginner, not meant for an intermediate. I would also argue and say, this is not a quiver killer. It definitely excels in the performance skills that I spoke about.

Snowboards work differently for different types of riders. If you have any questions about the Jones Airheart or are looking for help with finding the right board for your needs, chat with Arielle or another Snowboard Expert here on Curated.

Arielle Busch, Snowboarding Expert
Arielle Busch
Snowboarding Expert
70 Reviews
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