Expert Review: Cobra Aerojet Max Driver [with Video]

Published on 11/08/2023 · 5 min readGolf Expert Ryan Hernandez tested the Cobra Aerojet Max Driver.
Ryan Hernandez, Golf Expert
By Golf Expert Ryan Hernandez

Curated Golf Expert Ryan Hernandez got his hands on the Cobra Aerojet Max Driver to test this spring. Check out how it performed, but consider the fact that each and every golfer is different; if you have any questions about the Aerojet Max Driver or need recommendations on which club would be best for you, reach out to a Golf Expert here on Curated.

Before we get started, it's worth noting that Curated Experts are not sponsored by any brands. All of these reviews are completely unbiased.

Brand Claims

What does Cobra claim about this club? [Ryan] Cobra claims that these drivers are made for speed and distance. It is the most aerodynamic driver out on tour that will be able to give speed and distance numbers like never before.

Overall Impressions

What are the specs of the club you are testing? [Ryan] I am testing out the nine-degree loft with the Kai'li Blue 60X shaft and the Lamkin 360 Crossline grip.

What is your overall impression of the club? [Ryan] The most impressive thing I noticed from testing this driver is that the weighting fit my swing more than any other driver I’ve tested. I’ve hit the sweet spot more so than any other time. It just seemed like with every swing, I was hitting the sweet spot. Maybe I was just on that day, but it does seem like the weighting in these clubs really works well for what swing I’m working with.


How is it for distance? [Ryan] It is impressive how it can get the most out of a driver distance wise. It’s been that case for a while. The distance on these is phenomenal. It will probably be one of the top one to three in driver distance that there is out there.

How is it for forgiveness? [Ryan]I was impressed with the Max as far as forgiveness goes. It is a drop-base driver. They advertise it that way. High launch, mid-to-low spin is what they say, with a neutral-to-draw bias. I definitely saw the draw bias here.

How is it for workability? [Ryan] Not a ton of workability. It’s made for golfers struggling with the slice, so if you’re struggling with that or losing the ball to the right, this is designed to shape the shot for you. It's not designed to be very workable.

How is its launch? [Ryan] Launch for me is very, very high. It’s probably one of the highest drivers that I hit, so I was losing a little distance. I’m already a high ball hitter, so the Max probably would not fit my game just because I’m not looking to hit the ball that high.

How is it in terms of ball speed? [Ryan] The ball speed was very, very good. I can get up there. The highest is probably 170 if everything in the space-time continuum works well, but I can sit 165, and I was hitting 167-168 pretty routinely with this. I know that the ball speed is there.

How is it for spin? [Ryan]Spin numbers are a little high. My attacking was not as high as some guys, so I created more spin. I need a lower-spinning model. But for somebody who struggles with that, this will give you some spin to help you do that.

What do you find unique about its appearance? [Ryan] It’s a bit smaller and thinner. They have a raised skirt as well. They’ve shaved off a little bit of this driver compared to what they say a typical driver is, so it has a smaller appeal. Though the Max still looks pretty good, it is pretty big, especially from the back end. It’s just got kind of like a pointy butt to it. It’s not my favorite look in this model, especially when you look down at it and see that kind of big kind of conehead there at the back. But it is unique for sure.

What may make a player shy away from it? [Ryan] I think its looks would make a player shy away from it, especially a better golfer. I’ve talked to many leads, especially older leads or people who have played golf for a while. They don’t hit the bigger drivers. It’s just that they’re used to a smaller driver, which used to be out there in the marketplace, especially since they haven’t upgraded for a while.

How would you describe the sound of this club and feel at impact? [Ryan] Sound and impact, that’s always been my deal with Cobra drivers. I feel like this one is better than the last couple of models, but it still sounds just a bit hollow, a bit “ting-y” to me, and you can almost hear it there as well, as opposed to some other drivers. The face is AI H.O.T. Face, so they’re helping with that. They’re trying to get the sound a little bit better. But to me, the sound isn’t quite there like that of a TaylorMade carbon or even the Callaway.

How does weight affect different players? [Ryan] There's back weight and heel weight for draw bias. I did not lose the ball to the right on this club.

Is the club adjustable? [Ryan] This driver is adjustable. You can change the weights out or move the weights if you want to do that for more draw bias, a lower launch, and you can adjust the length. You can adjust the loft as well.

Are there any drawbacks to this club? [Ryan] The draw bias is a help or a drawback, depending on your wants. The size of the head is a drawback. The head is very reflective, so it can be a little bright there in the sun.


Who would you recommend this club to? [Ryan] I recommend this club to a higher mid to higher handicapper who is not great off the tee, needs a little help with height, and needs help with losing the ball right.

Who should avoid this club, and what type of club would be a better option for that player? [Ryan] Probably a lower-handicap player. A player who likes to hit that power fade or wants to work the ball a little bit and somebody looking for a lower launch.

Golf clubs work differently for different types of golfers. If you are wondering whether the Aerojet Max Driver is the right club for you, chat with Ryan or any other Golf Experts here on Curated, and they’ll put together free, personalized club recommendations on the best club for your needs.

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