How to Find the Best Deals on Golf Rounds
Photo by Edwin Compton
Rising gas prices, higher prices on groceries, cars, and even golf rounds are rampant these past few months, with no end in sight. It is possible that you may have considered playing less golf or even giving up golf at some point, due to these rising costs. However, if we are looking in the right places, we can find not only discount tee times but even practically free golf.
You might have seen advertisements for GolfNow’s "Hot Deals" while watching TV or surfing the Web, but they are just one of several alternatives to consider when looking for ways to cut costs in playing the golf courses you want to play. We all could stand to save a little money during these times without sacrificing the hobbies that we love, so let's check out some tools you may not have been aware of that can help you get the best prices on tee time reservations.
1. GolfNow
With deals on courses from California to New York, GolfNow has a wide variety to select from. Their user-friendly GolfNow app might be the easiest way to book tee times. The convenient booking system has great filters implemented to filter by price, distance, and rating. Using the detailed course information, you can find the right course for you and your friends. If you plan on golfing at least one time a week during the spring and summer (around 20 or more rounds during the year), sign up for the GolfPass. They have a seven-day free trial which allows you to find out for yourself if the deals and rewards are worth it! By going with the membership, you can wipe away a lot of fees to help bring the price down a little further. Keep your eyes peeled for "Hot Deals"—they go quick because they are the most discounted tee times that the site offers.
2. GroupGolfer
GroupGolfer is a great option for finding amazing deals and incredible savings toward your next round of golf. Sign-up on their website to create an account by entering your state and zip code with a valid email address, which is necessary in order to receive notifications about the daily deals for tee times. (You won't be required to save your credit card info if you are not comfortable doing so). You will find that sometimes GroupGolfer will offer deals on equipment or apparel as well; however, the bread and butter deals are on tee times. I have bought some coupons for rounds myself and it has worked out quite well in saving me money. Be aware there are small restrictions on these offers, such as expiration dates, and when you can or can’t play will vary from golf course to golf course. All you will need to do to use the special deals is to present the coupon you bought online when you check into the pro shop before your round, whether it is saved on your phone, or printed out off your computer.
3. TeeOff
TeeOff is another good online option for finding great prices on tee times. You will see that GolfNow and TeeOff are quite similar. Don't be alarmed or think that TeeOff is a gimmicky website—GolfNow merged with TeeOff in 2019. Personally, I think both are good websites, however, I prefer TeeOff over GolfNow. The reason is the formatting; it is easier and quicker to see the available tee times and the exact prices for all the options on the same page. This saves time by allowing you to browse several courses at once, instead of opening new tabs to see what other courses offer. Other than that, both sites are very similar, to the point that TeeOff also offers access to Golf Pass if you are seeking a rewards program.
4. Local Daily Tee Times
Some of your local golf courses may have their own booking system on their websites, or even their own golf app to book tee times. I would recommend signing up on their app or on their email lists because there are courses that will send exclusive deals to their daily tee times if you are signed up on either. If you are looking for a last-minute tee time, golf courses want to fill up the tee time spots with as many golfers as possible and will lower their prices based on real-time demand. If you keep a keen eye on your notifications and look at the booking system for the course you are wanting to golf at, there is a good possibility you will get a nice discount. Always book online when possible—the best deals are often there. It's rare for golf courses to offer in-person deals, unless you are signing up for a membership.
5. Local Golf Course Memberships
An underrated option for saving money is getting a golf membership near your home. Depending on where you live and your residency, this could be an excellent option to cut down on time, and possibly gas money as well. Residency can be an important factor in saving a bit of cash as well. Typically golf courses will extend their resident rates to golf memberships, as well as single rounds. Sign up for the email newsletters before the golf season starts, or as it is beginning, to receive potential exclusive deals on memberships.
You might be surprised by what the course will offer. Many local courses will offer a golf and range membership if you like to practice a lot. You might be thinking, "I don't want to play the same golf course all the time!" Well, there are some courses that offer deals with other local courses so that you have a variety of golf courses to play. All in all, it is a great choice for golf lovers that want to play a lot of rounds or have guaranteed tee times, so this could be the best option to find the right golf course(s) for you.
6. Working at a Golf Course
Maybe you thought of playing some of the best courses in your area, but even their tee time deals are still quite expensive. To solve that issue, you could work at the golf course to receive playing privileges. The unmatched benefits will be better than what you can find on any tee time deals website. The owners of the course might let employees or volunteers golf for free or at a heavily discounted rate. This will most likely include range balls as well. I did this myself when I was younger, and it allowed me to play more rounds as well as to practice more. It could even be a great part-time position as a second job, depending on your time availability. As it is likely that these are the best deals you will be able to get your hands on. Be sure to find out the golf course's policies for playing privileges before you start work there!
I hope that some of these ideas help you stay active in this wonderful sport. I believe there is an option for everyone on this list, depending on how much you want to play and according to your budget. For me, working at a golf course was the best option to get playing privileges and also earn a little extra money while doing so!
If you're looking for ways to save on your clubs, reach out to a Golf Expert here on Curated to find the best deals! Best wishes everyone and happy golfing this year!